The Better Story: How Choosing the Unexpected Creates a Life Worth Talking About

The Quest of Life
Weekly Newsletter by Quest Taylor
Read Time: 5 Minutes

Today at a Glance

In this week’s issue, we’re diving into:

  • The simple mindset shift that leads to a more interesting and fulfilling life.

  • How my bodybuilding competition became the ultimate "better story" decision.

  • Why even the small, everyday choices can add depth and adventure to your life.

Let’s get into it.

The "Better Story" Framework

I heard a concept on a podcast recently that resonated with me in a way I couldn’t shake: Make decisions based on what would be the better story.

I realized I’ve subconsciously lived this way for a long time, but now, I’ve started applying it more intentionally. When faced with a choice—whether it’s a major life decision or something as simple as where to grab dinner—I ask myself: What would make the better story?

Would it be more interesting to do the same thing I always do? Or should I push myself toward something new, uncertain, and possibly uncomfortable? The answer isn’t always obvious, but the framework forces me to think beyond just what’s convenient or easy.

We talk a lot about legacy, the life we want to live, and the experiences we want to have. But too often, our day-to-day actions don’t align with that vision. We get stuck in cycles of familiarity—going to the same places, making the same decisions, and prioritizing comfort over exploration. The better story mindset is a way to snap out of that cycle and start creating a life worth remembering.

The Big Decisions: Why I Chose a Challenge Over Comfort

My bodybuilding competition is a perfect example of this framework in action. I could have continued living as I had for the past few years—lifting, eating well enough, but never truly pushing myself. If I had, the past six months wouldn’t be much different than the years before it.

Instead, I chose the harder path—the better story. This competition forced me into discipline in a way I’d never experienced before. It made me give up drinking, rethink my diet, and train with a new level of intensity. It’s made me more aware of my body, my habits, and my limits. It’s tested my mental and physical endurance in ways I wouldn’t have encountered otherwise.

If I had stuck with the status quo, I wouldn’t have the same sense of growth, challenge, and pride that I feel now. I wouldn’t have the story of flying to San Diego, stepping on stage, and proving to myself that I could do something most people never will.

It doesn’t have to be bodybuilding for you—but what’s something you’ve been avoiding that might add a new chapter to your story? The things that scare you a little are usually the ones worth chasing.

Everyday Stories & Small Risks

Big, dramatic choices like prepping for a bodybuilding competition aren’t the only ways to live a more interesting life. Often, the most exciting shifts come from small, daily decisions.

For example, I’ve started thinking about this idea in terms of how I spend my time socially. I could go out to the same bars, with the same people, and have the same nights over and over. Or, I could push myself to try something different—explore a new city, go to an event I wouldn’t normally attend, or even just take a different route on my daily walk.

It also applies to work. I used to think I had to be the guy who put in crazy hours and was always “on.” But when I took a step back, I realized that doing the bare minimum sometimes was actually a risk—one that taught me what truly mattered in my job and what I was overvaluing. I stopped defining my worth by how much time I gave to work and started focusing on what actually moved the needle.

Even with my app, I had to reframe my mindset. I used to pile on features because they seemed like good ideas, but now I ask: What actually serves me? What was my original goal with this? That shift has made the process feel more fulfilling and less like an endless to-do list.

All of these small shifts add up to a life that feels richer and more dynamic—because I’m not just moving through the motions. I’m choosing paths that create new stories.

Reflection Questions

  • What’s one decision you’ve made recently that added to your story?

  • Are you making choices that align with the life you say you want to live?

  • What’s one small way you could push yourself out of your usual routine this week?

Parting Thought: Choose the Better Story

At the end of the day, we all want lives that are full of stories worth telling. That doesn’t mean everything has to be extreme or life-changing—but it does mean being intentional about the decisions we make and the experiences we seek.

This week, I challenge you to look at your choices through this lens. Whether it’s a big leap or a small shift, ask yourself: What would make the better story? Then go do it.

Stay curious, stay bold, and keep chasing the dream.

– Quest


Week 12: The Final Push – Peak Week Adjustments & Competition Prep